Lagree Fitness IS a Cardio Workout

Yes, Lagree Fitness IS a Cardio Workout! 

When most people think of cardiovascular workouts, they imagine activities like running, cycling, or swimming – intense exercises that get the heart pumping and sweat pouring. However, Lagree Fitness, with its slow and controlled movements, is also a highly effective form of cardiovascular exercise.  

Let’s explore how and why Lagree qualifies as a cardio workout and the surprising benefits it brings. 

Understanding Cardio 

Cardiovascular exercise, or aerobic exercise, refers to physical activities of varying intensity that use oxygen to meet energy demands. When you start working out, your heart rate and stroke volume (the volume of blood pumped per heartbeat) increase rapidly to ensure your muscles receive oxygen-rich blood.  

Even a minute of continuous exertion can trigger a substantial cardiorespiratory response. 

The Importance of Cardiovascular Endurance 

Cardiovascular endurance is often considered the most crucial aspect of fitness. A strong heart can add years to your life by reducing the risk of numerous health problems. It also impacts your overall performance by controlling oxygen flow to all your muscles, affecting both endurance and strength. 

Lagree’s Cardio Benefits 

Despite the controlled, slow movements, a minute of continuous exertion in Lagree is enough to trigger a cardiorespiratory response. Tests on the Megaformer have shown heart rates between 150 BPM to over 210 BPM.  

For reference, cardio training ranges from 120 BPM to about 160 BPM, with 180 BPM nearing maximum effort (VO2 Max). This places Lagree well within, and sometimes above, traditional cardio intensity levels. 

How Does Lagree Keep the Heart Rate Elevated? 

  • Continuous Tension: Maintaining flow throughout each exercise prevents the muscles from relaxing. 
  • Fast Transitions: No breaks between moves! 
  • Full Body Movements: Recruiting more muscles increases heart rate (just think, flying = cardio!) 

Breathing: The Key to Effective Cardio 

Proper breathing is vital during cardio activities. In Lagree, the recommended breathing pattern matches the tempo of the movements. For instance, for a tempo of 4 counts, breathe in and out 4 times as the carriage moves out and back in. This ensures muscles receive the oxygen they need to keep contracting.  

Conclusion: Lagree is More Cardio Than You Think 

Lagree Fitness might not look like traditional cardio, but its combination of controlled movements and high heart rates makes it an effective cardiovascular workout. 

So next time you’re on the Megaformer, remember that you’re not just building strength and endurance—you’re also giving your heart an excellent workout! 


Team LA Fit