Club 500 – Peta Winkless

Thrilled to share that our member Peta Winkless has made it to Club 500!

What’s Club 500? It’s for LA Fit members who have completed 500 classes. Peta is actually up to her 558th class — amazing!

Peta first gave Megaformer a go back in 2015 and in 2020 stepped it up to an All Access membership. If you’ve ever been in the Ride room, you’ve definitely been on the bike next to Peta. She’s one of our most dedicated Riders!

We chat to Peta about her LA Fit journey, and how she stays motivated and keeps coming back.

What made you try LA Fit?

I came with a friend to try something new. I had no idea what Megaformer was but thought I would give it a go.  I was doing one class a week for quite a while as I was doing other exercise as well, mainly bootcamp type of exercise.  I started in Subiaco and didn’t do many classes until the Highgate studio opened.

I was looking for something that was good for strength and flexibility and Megaformer felt like it could fit. It was a while before I gave Ride a go, my first class was with Zac. The music was good but I left shocked and unsure if I’d ever go back. MY LEGS! I really got into Ride after a Ride Challenge, then I was doing 1 Megaformer and 1 Ride a week.

Over time, I’ve gradually dropped all my other exercise for LA Fit. I’m now on an All Access membership and feeling great!

What do you enjoy about being a part of the LA Fit community?

I love coming to the studio in the morning and just saying hi to everyone. Such a friendly bunch!

If you had to use three words to describe LA Fit, what would they be?

Addictive, peaceful and intense.

 What do you love about Ride?

The pace and variety of each class and each instructor. You control how hard the class is and I love to push myself.

What do you love about Megaformer?

I like Megaformer for strength and flexibility. And the slower pace. I can sometimes get lost in my own world with the mind / body connection.

Seeing as you’ve completed 558 classes (whoaaaa), can you share a secret (or three) on staying motivated and consistent with your training?

LA Fit is simply the start of my day. It’s my reset from the busy day before and the day that’s coming. It clears my mind from any stresses so if I can’t go I sometimes feel flat. I feel energised after the classes which keeps me motivated to keep coming. And being able to feel and see progress as you get stronger also helps.

Team LA Fit