LA Fit’s Core Values: Be Fun

LA Fit’s core values. You’ve seen them on the wall, in the lockers and on our newsletters! 

  • Make Time 
  • Be Fun 
  • Keep It Real 
  • Lead The Pack 

Let’s talk about our favourite core value: Be Fun. 


It’s who we are and how we roll.  

We’re here to have fun, and so are you. 

Dragging your a$$ out of bed at 5AM to get to class, or detouring past the studio after a hard day’s slog at the office, is hard! We know it, we respect it, and we like to show you a good time because of it. 

We love creating happy moments. Expect laughter, cheekiness, good wit. Because let’s be honest… 

It’s just a workout, it’s not that serious! 

Yes, you only get one body, and the way you treat it matters. But being too hung up on being perfect or comparative with others can, unfortunately, so often go the wrong way.  

We know everyone turns up for different reasons, but in short: moving your body should make you feel good. We hope turning up is the best part of your day. 

Self esteem is important.  

We give you the tools and motivation to be the version of yourself you want to be. You’ll show up and kick a$$ because you want to, because you’re having a great time – no drill sergeant required! 

And if you’re ever having an off day, trust us with that info. Let us give you 45 minutes to leave your s#!t at the door and reconnect with yourself. 

We guarantee that you leave feeling better than when you arrived, every time. 

Being Fun with Team LA Fit 

We always bring great energy, whether in the studio, at our pop up events, and our famous Christmas parties! Here’s how the crew like to Be Fun with you: 

Barbi: Embracing fun is effortless within the LA Fit family. Despite my natural introversion, I thrive in our supportive, joyful community. It’s this vibrant energy that I aim to cultivate in my classes, encouraging clients to embrace playfulness, build meaningful connections, and find their flow. Together, we work hard, play hard ensuring everyone leaves the studio feeling energized, connected, and full of joy.

Morgan: I try to achieve this by finding moments in class to lighten the mood. Either by sharing some random pop culture news or joking about how much fun everyone is having in bungee. I think it’s also important to create energy as our members walk in. Maybe that’s by talking about something funny or simply an enthusiastic hello!

Kristy: Have a good time, laugh joke and ensure you are finding time to ‘play’ or do things that make you happy, engage in a positive environment, develop a community that lifts you up and fills you with joy & energy.

Jaz: My life is fun & I try to show others around me just how much fun & love I have for life & be grateful for what I have.

Team LA Fit