
Lagree Fitness: Aerobic & Anaerobic conditioning

Good health involves more than just focusing on one element of fitness. At LA Fit, we believe in the transformative power of Lagree for so many reasons – including how it seamlessly integrates both aerobic conditioning and anaerobic strength building.  

This dual approach maximises calorie burn, builds lean muscle and muscular endurance, and improves cardiovascular fitness! 

How can Lagree Fitness be both aerobic and anaerobic? Let’s break it down. 

Understanding Aerobic and Anaerobic 

“Aero” comes from the Greek word for “air.” Simply put, “aerobic” and “anaerobic” refer to the presence and absence of oxygen in energy production. Most of our cells prefer to use oxygen to fuel metabolism, allowing us to move repeatedly without fatigue for extended periods – this is aerobic exercise. In contrast, anaerobic exercise occurs at higher intensities where the muscles must rely on other reactions that don’t require oxygen for fuel (i.e. fat burning). 

The Dynamic Transition Between Aerobic and Anaerobic 

During exercise, we don’t switch entirely from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. Instead, we oscillate between the two based on exercise intensity. 

For example, while at rest, we rely almost entirely on aerobic metabolism. As we start exercising, like moving from sitting to a slow walk, our energy needs increase, and so does our breathing and oxygen intake. If we increase our exercise intensity gradually, we can maintain aerobic metabolism. However, as intensity ramps up, the energy demand exceeds what aerobic metabolism can supply, and we shift to anaerobic metabolism. 

This shift occurs at the metabolic threshold, AKA the anaerobic threshold.  

Aerobic Fitness 

Aerobic fitness is the health and efficiency of your cardiovascular system. Aerobic training enables you to exercise for long periods, strengthens your heart and improves overall endurance. 

Anaerobic Fitness 

Anaerobic fitness builds muscles other than your heart. Known as “resistance training,” these workouts push your muscles to work against above-average resistance, promoting muscle strength and growth.  

Lagree Fitness: The Best of Both Worlds 

Lagree Fitness combines these two essential aspects into one seamless workout: 

  • Effective Duration: every exercise is done for at least 60 seconds (2 minutes for lower body), allowing the aerobic system to kick in 
  • Fast Transitions: moving quickly between exercises keeps the heart rate elevated 
  • Supersets: blocking exercise that work the same muscle group together increases intensity, reaching effective muscle stimulation faster 
  • Progressive overloading: a body-building term for increasing resistance (changing the springs!) as you get stronger to ensure you continue to stimulate the muscles effectively. 

Feel the difference 

Whether you’re already part of the LA Fit community or considering joining us, Lagree offers a scientifically-proven, balanced approach to achieving peak fitness…in one 45 minute class! 

Book your next class 

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