The first step to personalising your health is finding out your Health Type. Your Health Type is based on your physical structure – the shape of your body – which gives an indication of how you developed in the womb.
There are six Health Types, an extension of the three Somatotypes you may have heard of before: Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph.
- Guardian: pure Endomorph. Large bone structure, greatest capacity for muscle and fat mass. The strongest Health Type and have an inherent nature as protector and provider.
- Sensor: pure Ectomorph. Long, light bones and are not physically capable of holding lots of fat or muscle tissue. They are the most sensitive and naturally introverted and independent.
- Activator: pure Mesomorph. Naturally lean and muscular with medium bones. The most physical of all the Health Types, naturally agile and rarely keep still.
- Connector: Mesomorph & endomorph. Generally shorter in structure with a solid build – the quintessential extrovert. Variety is important to keep the Connector engaged in fitness, nutrition, life and work.
- Crusader: Ectomorph & Mesomorph. Long & lean yet muscular frame. Headstrong and strategic, more than any other Health Type. This body enjoys mental stimulation and endurance training.
- Diplomat: Endomorph & Ectomorph. The greatest range in body shape of all the Health Types. Strong and enduring body, loves comfort and a relaxed pace.
Understanding these natural tendencies can help you understand the people in your life and how their physiological needs may differ from yours!