Survive the silly season

They don’t call it the silly seaon for nothin’! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at this time of year. Our head trainer Jacinta Hanrahan shares 3 tips to get you through.

  1. Stay true to who you are​ during this festive season.Take note of what makes you feel good physically and mentally throughout the year (how you move, how you eat, how you look after yourself); at this time of the year keeping up these routines/rituals/behaviours can keep you on track and focused as you enter into 2020.
  2. Keep moving!With changing schedules and routines it can be hard to keep moving as we would normally. So, think outside the box to ensure that your body receives what it needs. This might be walking the dog, playing with the kids at the park or a swim at the beach.
  3. Be generous with your time; for yourself and others.There is a large emphasis at this time of the year on spending money and this can cause stress for everyone. So, think about how to be generous with your time as we lead into Christmas – this could be helping out a friend, a family member or even a stranger (this is the real gift of giving). But don’t give at the expense of yourself! Remember to dedicate time for you, and allocate this time without guilt.


Keep moving and book into class

Survive the silly season
LA Fit