The Science Behind Lagree

If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably interested in working out…but why do YOU work out? 

People train for different reasons, so to create an effective training program we need to understand the purpose. 

In 1998, Sebastien Lagree saw the need to create a workout that would strengthen, tighten, and tone the body quickly; without bulking up and without injuries (low impact). At the time, his clientele were mostly women. Over the years, as his clientele grew to include athletes and more men, the Lagree method has evolved into muscular endurance training. You will not get big muscles when you do Lagree, but you will develop overall body strength and long lean muscles. 

If any of this resonates with you, read on to learn more about the science behind the Lagree Method. 

Effective Stimulation & Effective Intensity 

Lagree Fitness is built on the principle of Effective Muscle Stimulation (EMS). Unlike traditional muscle “failure,” which can lead to overstimulation and injury, EMS focuses on just the right amount of muscle activation to provoke a positive, adaptive change. 

The Lagree Zone 

Lagree Fitness is all about finding that perfect sweet spot where your muscles work hard, but safely. Here’s why it works: 

  • Full-Body Engagement: Every move in Lagree targets multiple muscle groups, ensuring a balanced, efficient workout. 
  • Continuous, Controlled Movements: We emphasise slow and steady movements that protect your joints and maximise muscle activation, with a cardio benefit to boot! 
  • Effective Intensity: By progressively overloading resistance, while maintaining perfect form, you achieve the best results efficiently and safely. 

How It Feels 

You’ve probably already noticed these different sensations during and after class that signal you’re getting a fantastic workout: 

  • The Burn: You’ll feel your muscles warming up and working hard, which is a good sign! Breathe through it. 
  • The Shakes: As you push through, your muscles might start to shake. This means you’re hitting the Lagree Zone, the sweet spot for maximum results. Embrace them! Chase the shakes in every class. 
  • The Afterburn: Post-workout, you’ll feel a satisfying soreness. Enjoy your recovery, knowing your muscles are building! 

What you can expect 

Get ready to feel the difference! 

  • Increased Strength and Endurance: Regular sessions will make you stronger and boost your stamina. 
  • Better Balance and Flexibility: The controlled movements improve your balance and flexibility. 
  • Enhanced Muscle Tone: You’ll see and feel more defined muscles, especially in your core, arms, and legs. 
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness: you heard that right! Maybe you didn’t get huffy and puffy, but 45 minutes of continuous movement raises your heart rate! 

Keep Moving Forward 

Every shake is a step toward a stronger, healthier you. Remember, consistency is key!  

We have a saying in Lagree: “It never gets easier… you just get stronger.” 

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Team LA Fit