Time Under Tension (TUT) in Lagree 

Continuous tension, also known as Time Under Tension (TUT), is fundamental in Lagree. Studies have shown that this type of training is very effective for building strength and muscle definition.  

Constant tension is the term Sebastien Lagree used before Time Under Tension became a popular term. Made popular by the the strength and conditioning and bodybuilding industries, TUT refers to how long the muscle is under strain during a set.  

What TUT looks like in Lagree 

  • Continuous movement: A constant flow through each exercise, not stopping at the top or bottom, maximising effectiveness. 
  • Effective Muscle Stimulation: By avoiding relaxation, muscles reach stimulation faster. 
  • Progressive Overload: Increasing exercise duration beyond 60 seconds challenges muscles as you grow stronger, ensuring continual progress. 
  • Mental Endurance: Prolonged TUT builds mental endurance alongside physical strength…strong body, strong mind! 

Remember! The moment we lock out our joints the muscle is allowed to relax and the set loses its efficacy: 

  • for standing exercises, keep your knees soft 
  • for plank exercises, keep the elbows soft. 

Slow, smooth controlled continuous tension 

A key difference between Lagree and other training styles is that TUT does not consider the speed of the movement. 

In Lagree, mastering the art of slow and controlled movements is key to maximising your workout. We match our “4 counts out, 4 counts back” to a typical dance beat, making each repetition about 15 seconds long. This foundational pace ensures not only helps motivate because you’re in sync with the music, but forces your muscles to work harder!  

Slowing the movement down allows you to recruit more muscle fibres, eliminate momentum and creates a greater excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) reaction. (The afterburn, where you continue to burn energy after the workout is over.) 

This will look like more intense shakes during class and some soreness the next day, signs that your muscles were deeply engaged. Embrace the slow tempo for a powerful, efficient workout! 

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