Your Happy Place Is Safe

Here at LA Fit Studio, we are focused on the safety and health of our LA community – our members, instructors and team.

We’d like to reassure you all that we have reviewed our community wellbeing measures and our standard practice is in line with advice from the World Health Organization and the WA Government Department of Health. We are updating procedures as new information is released and will update this blog post.

While we have always had strict hygiene practices and cleanliness standards in our studios, we have implemented the precautionary measures below as a proactive approach to reduce the risk of transmission of respiratory viruses in our studios:

There have been no known positive test results for COVID-19 by anyone in the LA Fit community and the risk currently in Perth is low. Exercise plays an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system so please rest assured that by following the steps above and these official guidelines you can continue to work out with us safely.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Claire & Jaye


Prepared by Claire Chidgzey on 02/06/2020

Safety requirements 
All businesses are required to mitigate the risks of COVID-19. The requirements for the safe operation of Sport and Recreation premises are:

  • maintain a strict limit of a minimum of two square metres (2sqm) per person
  • ensure 100 patrons per undivided space with the 2sqm per person rule, up to a maximum of 300 patrons at the venue (referred to as the 100/300 rule)
  • maintain hygiene and frequent cleaning
  • self-complete a COVID Safety Plan prior to re-opening/recommencing activity, and display a COVID Safety Plan Certificate at relevant sporting venues
  • maintain attendance records for the purposes of contact tracing
  • manage ingress and egress to ensure physical distancing
  • carefully manage shared spaces to ensure physical distancing
  • disinfect shared equipment between use
  • all venues must have staff present when open.

1. Physical distancing 
Good practice physical distancing principles are to maintain 1.5 metre separation between people who are not from the same household or groups of other people; and maintain a minimum of 2sqm per patron.

The maximum occupancy can be calculated by the area accessible to the public (excluding bathrooms):

Megaformer room 85sqm = 10 clients + instructor.
Reception 40sqm = 20 clients + desk staff
Ride room 32sqm = 15 clients + instructor
Locker and change 10sqm = 5 people
Back room 17sqm = 8 people
Total area = 184sqm = 92 patrons permitted on premises

Megaformer room 79sqm = 10 clients + instructor.
Reception 33sqm = 16 clients + desk staff
Ride room 26sqm = 12 clients + instructor
Locker room 19sqm = 9 people
Total area = 174sqm = 87 patrons permitted on premises

Managing shared spaces
All equipment is spaced to maximise physical distance
Furniture is arranged to maximise physical distance and minimise traffic bottlenecks
Bathrooms, reception and change rooms are cleaned at each desk shift. Sanitiser is available in showers.

Managing entry
Staggered start times are scheduled where possible to minimise cross over and maintain high service level
Megaformer clients are invited to wait in Megaformer room, enter and exit through closest door to their machine
Ride clients shall wait in reception until invited into Ride room. Entry one at a time, observing social distance.
Booking confirmations and reminders, signage at the door adviss clients and staff not enter the if they are unwell or have had a close COVID contact; and to encourage physical distancing while on premises.
Clients who appear unwell when arriving for class will be asked to leave by our team.

Managing interactions between participants and spectators
Only clients and staff are permitted to stay on premises during classes (no children to stay)

Managing interactions between staff and clients
No tactile cueing in Megaformer room
Floor coaching from the stage only in Ride room, no high fives or other physical contact

Physical distancing between staff
Staff are not to come to work sick – arrange own cover. Advise management if no cover can be found – class or shift will be cancelled.
Staff to maintain physical distancing from each other as much as possible during shifts

2. Hygiene
Cleaning Hands
Hand sanitising station on entry at reception (sanitiser >70% alcohol or stabliised hydrogen peroxide 3%)
Hand washing signage, liquid soap and paper towels in all bathrooms
Grip socks are now compulsory in Megaformer class. Booking confirmation and reminder updated to remind.

Washing equipment
Equipment not to be shared during class. Handled weights stored separately to clean ones.
Megaformers and accessories to be cleaned with cleaning spray and disposable paper towel by client then disinfected by instructor between classes, allowing minimum contact time.
Bikes and weights to be cleaned and disinfected by desk staff between classes, allowing minimum contact time.
Full wash down of all equipment with microfibre cloth, detergent and water, followed by disinfection once per day, allowing minimum contact time. Used cloths stored safely until laundered in hot water. (Clean cloths in Enjo bag)
Increased cleaning and sanitation regime
All high contact surfaces (door knobs, desk, computers, phones, iPads, sinks, light switches, lockers) disinfected at each shift.
Floors and bathrooms cleaned and disinfected daily.
Professional cleaning of entire studio twice per week.
Bins emptied each shift
All cleaning products are to be clearly labelled and stored safely in between uses
PPE (gloves) to be worn when performing cleaning tasks at all times.
Clients to bring their own water, sweat towels. Hand sanitiser to be used prior to hand any item to a client.
Induction ipads to be disinfected between use
Instructor equipment not to be shared – bring own mic belts and windshields

Client credit card details to be stored in Mindbody. Cash discouraged and hand sanitiser to be used after taking new credit card details.

3. Training and education
An all-staff meeting will be held to deliver the COVID Safety Plan prior to reopening. Minutes will be emailed and posted on the staff Facebook group.
Role-specific training will be provided to instructors and desk staff as required. Minutes will be emailed and posted on the staff Facebook group.
Opening and closing procedures and checklists will be available in hard copy at reception for the desk team and on the G drive.

4. Compliance with existing legislation and regulations 
In addition to the legal obligations arising from the Emergency Management Act 2005 and the Directions made under that Act, LA Fit must continue to comply with relevant existing legislation and regulations, including WorkSafe legislation.

5. Response planning
Maintain attendance records
All clients pre-book or cancel on Mindbody – name, email and mobile phone required.
Responding to an incident
Staff are empowered to ask a client to leave if they look unwell. Client can get their credit back.
If a client or instructor becomes unwell while on premises:
Keep others away: class stops and class evacuated. Person is kept away from others as much as possible. Call 000 if person is having difficult breathing.
Seek advice: speak to affected person to determine if it is reasonable to suspect they may have COVID – seek government advice
Ensure person has safe transport home or to medical facility
Full wash down and disinfection of entire studio prior to recommencing classes.
Manager on duty is the nominated Health and Safety Officer – must be notified of any non-compliance.
Assist public health to identify close contacts
Manager to notify 13COVID and provide attendance records for clients and staff. Provide machine number if available.

Risk management
Blog post, booking confirmations and reminders advise clients to notify us if they or a close contact contracts COVID.
Staff to notify us if they or a close contact contracts COVID.
We recommend clients and staff download the COVID Safe app.
We recommend our staff get the flu vaccination.

All booking confirmations and reminders have been updated with this message:

We are keeping the LA Fit community safe by following WA Health Guidelines, please do your part in return:
Cancel your class and do not attend the studio if you are unwell.
If you have tested positive for COVID19, been in close contact with someone who has or returned from interstate or overseas, please let us know and do not attend the studio for 14 days.
Please sanitise or wash your hands on arrival and departure.
For hygiene and your safety, grip socks are now compulsory in the Megaformer room.


To maintain social distancing of 1.5m:

  • Bikes have been reduced to 10 at Highgate
  • Bikes have been reduced to 11 at Subiaco
  • Ride instructors will not be floor coaching
  • No changes to Megaformer numbers as both studios operate at 1.5m distance as standard
  • Megaformer instructors will cease hands-on assists
  • Megaformer handlebar covers have been removed
  • Staff and clients are asked to wash your hands on arrival at the studio


  • Bike allocations will be marked on the sign in sheet by our team
  • Please cancel class if you are feeling unwell. If you arrive for class with cold or flu symptoms you may be refused entry.
  • Please cancel class if you have recently arrived from overseas. If you arrive for class you may be refused entry.
  • If you have been ordered to self-isolate you may suspend without penalty for 14 days.


All high contact items are being cleaned and sanitised regularly by our team including:

  • Door knobs
  • Reception desk including computer keyboard & mouse, phone, ipads
  • Water fountains, bathroom basins and tap ware

Studio equipment

  • Megaformers (platform, carriage, springs, handlebars, handles, red pole)
  • Bikes (handlebars, seat, resistance dial, adjustment screws)
  • Hand weights
Your Happy Place Is Safe
LA Fit